Network Council
Two representatives from every dialysis and kidney transplant facility in our region serve on the Network Council. This body elects members to serve on the Board of Directors and the Medical Review Committee.
Each committee includes at least one patient representative and all committee members are volunteers. We hold elections for the Board of Directors, Finance and Medical Review Committees every three years. Our next elections will take place in 2023. If you are interested in serving, contact us to learn more.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors oversees corporate affairs: finance management, contract business, and the nominations and election process. View a list of Board members.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee monitors and reports on the Network's financial standing. In addition, this committee advises on resource management strategies.
Medical Review Committee
The Medical Review Committee (MRC) looks closely at clinical data on facility performance and patient outcomes. Their review process helps Midwest Kidney Network develop effective quality improvement projects and set recommended treatment goals for ESRD providers.
Consumer Committee
Midwest Kidney Network's Consumer Committee is 15 people who have personal experience with kidney failure and who want to contribute to the welfare of other individuals experiencing the same. Consumer Committee members are elected by current members and serve as long as they feel able to do so.